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Members Only

This page is for current members of Sunbeam Swimming Club.

If you are not an existing member, please return to our home page

Team Summer Challenge 2024

Remember at our Annual Members Meeting in February, we asked you to vote on which summer challenge we wanted to take on this year? Well, you voted for this challenge – to swim around the island of Malta! Malta is a beautiful island in the Mediterranean sea.


To complete this challenge, we will ask every swimmer to tell us how many lengths they have swum at the end of the session, and we will add up all the lengths. Together, we need to complete 137 kilometres, which is 5480 lengths. On average that means 609 lengths each week. WOW, are you ready for this challenge?


This is a big challenge and a great opportunity to do some fundraising for our club.

We are asking you to ask friends and family to support and encourage you to help us reach our target of 5480 lengths by the end of August and if they want to sponsor you, there is a sponsorship form you can download from here. We will use the money you raise to buy new equipment and towards paying for our pool hire.


For a bit of fun, there is also a swim log for you to record your weekly sessions to see how well you are doing. Remember, this is a whole team effort and every length counts, so do what you can but make sure it is fun and safe.

Important information and documents

Weekly Swimming Booking

Here you can book your weekly swimming sessions.


This booking form is ONLY for registered members of the club.

Please click here to complete the weekly swimming booking form.

Other dates for the diary

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